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Whether working remotely is your modus operandi or an occasional change of pace, it is possible to remain productive while working from home. All it takes is a little preparation and you’ll be ready to do your 9-5 from home sweet home. Check out these five tips to get started: 5 TIPS FOR PRODUCTIVE WORK FROM HOME


  1. It’s all about the tech: Make sure you have all the tools you need to effectively work from home. If your team uses a collaboration tool, like Skype, test that it works from your home network and make sure you have the IT help-desk number available should you run into any issues. With the right tools, you’ll feel like you are working right in the office!
  2. Set up your work space: Designate an area as your “office”. Whether it’s a corner of your bedroom or an entire home office, having an official work space can help you focus. It also makes it easier to “leave” for the day and transition from work-mode to home-mode.
  3. Stay connected to your co-workers: Just because you’re not in the same space doesn’t mean you can’t build great relationships with your team! Chat via collaboration software is great for this, but don’t feel shy about setting up a virtual coffee break to see each other and catch up. The webcam if your friend and can help you feel more connected to the team.
  4. Establish ground rules: While working from home can be great, the lack of structure can be intimidating. Setting working hours and deciding on a plan of action for childcare, pets and chores can help you focus and remain productive.
  5. Enjoy the benefits: Many people find working from home incredibly productive, without the distractions of an office setting. Enjoy it! Having the option of wearing sweatpants all day isn’t too bad, either.
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