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Sure, it’s business as unusual during this uncertain time. Still, there are ways to put breakroom precautions in place so teams can continue to take comfort in enjoying their favorite workplace drinks during COVID-19.

man in office post COVID-19

 distance icon 1 Help Employees Stay 6 Feet Apart With Signage
 Place markers on the floor to remind everyone to stay about two arms-length away. Download our printable breakroom tips poster for more helpful information.

 mask iconEncourage Employees To Continue Wearing Masks In The Break Areas
 Masks should only be removed to eat or drink (without touching the mask itself, just the elastic) and only when employees are 6 feet away from other people.

 max capacity iconLimit The Number Of People In The Breakroom
 Remove chairs to help prevent people from sitting too close to one another.

It takes about a minute to make a FLAVIA drink—reducing breakroom backups and giving employees a moment to wash their hands every time they brew.

 sink iconWhen It Comes To Effective Hand Washing, Frequency Is Key
 Use signage to remind people that 20 seconds of vigorous washing is what’s recommended by the CDC. A perfect thing to squeeze in every time you brew.

 sanitizer iconMake Hand Sanitizer More…Handy
 Not every breakroom has a convenient sink. Add more hand sanitizers (that are at least 60% alcohol), so employees have options.

 coffee cup iconOffer Recyclable Cups and Utensils
 This reduces the risk of germ exposure from shared items (while reducing environmental impact) and helps prevent sink backups.

 hand pressing button iconEncourage Teams To Get Creative In Reducing How Much They Touch
 Self-contained machines (like FLAVIA) often have just a few buttons that need to be touched. But employees can use a pen, badge, or some other tool to touch buttons even less.

 bag lunch iconTake Food and Drinks To-Go
 Employees should take their food and drinks back to their individual workstations or a larger area where they can keep six feet apart.

 FLAVIA brewer iconAdd More Breakrooms Or Coffee Areas
 This gives employees more space and opportunities to brew.

Machines like FLAVIA are portable and can fit in spaces that may not have been originally designed as breakrooms.

 cleaning supplies iconDisinfect Often
 Clean machines with a food-safe COVID-19 disinfectant. Make sure to follow the directions for use.

The streamlined exterior of FLAVIA brewers can be easily cleaned with a food contact safe disinfectant.

Want to share these breakroom tips with your team? Download a PDF version of our breakroom guide

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